Get involved
Will you help us serve our community?
Our donors and volunteers impact thousands of lives around Atlanta every year. Donations enable us to host meetups and hackathons as well as staff volunteers in programs such as our new Data for Hope™ Education Program.
Is your organization interested in sponsoring an event or providing tools for our volunteers?
Help connect and build our community through social media
Volunteer to:
- Work on a project
- Lead a project team
- Support an ATLytiCS committee
- Promote ATLytiCS to corporate partners and nonprofit organizations
Volunteer FAQs
- Custom Projects
- Hackathons
- Meetups
- Special Events
- Speaking Engagements
or you can volunteer as a behind-the-scenes organizational volunteer!
When we have a project or opening that meets your interest and skills, we will reach out to you by email.
Volunteers receive support from the Head and Coordinators of the ATLytiCS Unit where they volunteer. They will also provide information our mission and vision and onboard you onto any basic tools you need.
When needed, we have specific training for software or tools needed for projects. Often you will learn on-the-job as you work with others on your team.
Keep an eye on our Meetup Group and website where you will learn about upcoming projects. You can choose to apply for projects based on NPO or cause served.