Fireside Chats – Transitions between employers and teams: what to watch for – Kori Caldwell

Our Data for Hope™ cohort is working hard on their capstone projects and getting closer to program completion! To prepare for what’s next, they had the privilege of hearing from Kori Caldwell, Analytics Lead at AirBNB, on career journeys, finding the right fit in the industry and navigating the job search process.

Here are some highlights from this conversation:

  1. Your career is a marathon, not a sprint. Wherever you are in your career, work hard, be open-minded, trust yourself and the process, and enjoy life.
  2. Planning for the right job at the right organization starts with understanding personal drivers. The 10 universal drivers that can influence career decisions are advancement, altruism, autonomy, balance, challenges, discovery, money, perfectionism, security and structure. Life milestones can influence drivers.
  3. Finding the right job takes planning and effort. Kori emphasized thoroughly reading the job description and focusing on the responsibilities, not just the position. Research the company, stop and listen to the interviewer, be diligent and strategic, and most importantly, ask questions.
  4. Building your network is important. Stay in touch with leaders, mentors and colleagues throughout your career.

Watch the complete discussion here:

Topic: Transitions between employers and teams: what to watch for