Community Farmers Market Project 2023

As part of ATLytiCS’ consulting initiatives, one of the objectives is to create partnerships by working collaboratively with Atlanta-based NPOs and government organizations as well as for-profit companies looking to sponsor our work. This year we are partnering with Community Farmers Market (CFM) to support their goal of operating more self-sustainable MARTA Fresh Markets to improve the lives of more low-income, low-access communities in Atlanta.

The mission of Community Farmers Markets is to develop a local food infrastructure for long term sustainability and meaningful community impact. CFM is a leader in this system, leveraging the power of communities by providing resources, educational programs, and sustainable modes of food distribution for farmers, producers, chefs, and consumers.

Since 2015, the MARTA Market has provided farm stands right inside 5 MARTA  stations. This innovative food access solution is managed by a partnership between Community Farmers Markets and MARTA, and supported by other partners like Open Hand Atlanta, Wholesome Wave Georgia, Urban Recipe and Foodwell Alliance.

This year, ATLytiCS with teams of volunteers is planning for multiple projects with focus on key questions as

  • Are the market locations and times optimal?
  • Can the produce planning and sourcing process be improved?
  • Are there inefficiencies in the product allocation and distribution process?
  • How can we utilize data better? Does more/different data need to be gathered?
  • How can we improve all-around communication and engagement?

The results will be shared with the community as multiple deliverables added to github, including analysis, slides and write-up. 

In the meantime, we invite you to stay engaged with ATLytiCS by attending our events and following us on social media. Please check out the ATLytiCS Events and the social media links at the top of the page.

You can learn more about the CFM MARTA markets and brief introduction to the project in the following video: