About ATLytiCS

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Our vision

Our vision is a connected analytics community, conscientious of its role in society and aware that humanity’s well-being should be at the core of our technological progress. We aspire to help build a world powered by data and analytics to provide others access to basic human rights so that we all have a choice in shaping our individual and collective future.

Our mission

Establishing and nurturing data science for good


ATLytiCS assists nonprofits in using data-inspired decisions to aid vulnerable people in the Atlanta community. We meet organizations where they are in their journey to data and analytics maturity, offering services from strategy consultation all the way up to application implementation, and ensuring quality outcomes for each initiative.


ATLytiCS educates nonprofits and the public on the value of data and analytics for community improvement - as well as its misuse, pitfalls, and challenges - through speaking engagements, hackathons, and other initiatives.


ATLytiCS aims to build an Atlanta Data Science for Good community where data scientists, social experts, and just good-hearted people can meet, share, and help to build a better world together.

Our history

Andreea Popescu first thought of the need for ATLytiCS while she was riding on a train and witnessing homeless people trying to rest. While shelters can be found in Atlanta, data supports that there were many setbacks to shelters such as strict housing and congested living spaces that further jeopardize people in need. Together with two other founders, she wondered if nonprofit organizations knew how to read data to draw conclusions and formulate solutions. While data collection can sound simple at first, the co-founders needed a vehicle to get nonprofit organizations the funding they need to help address their needs in data-driven ways. That vehicle was ATLytiCS.

ATLytiCS founders
Andreea Popescu, Khalifeh ALjadda, and Beverly Wright, founders of ATLytiCS

ATLytiCS was born in 2017 through the initiative of three Ph.Ds: Beverly Wright, Andreea Popescu, and Khalifeh ALjadda. The group has since grown to a leadership team of more than 20, with volunteer meetings ranging between a few dozen to a few hundred!

ATLytiCS, Inc is not affiliated with any religious or political organization or group, nor does ATLytiCS endorse any particular religious or political views.