Fireside Chats – 8weekSQLchallenge – Shruti Shivaji Lanke

Our Data for HopeTM cohort completed the SQL portion of their education program–focused on querying and manipulating data from databases. 

To celebrate, Shruti Lanke, Graduate Student at Georgia State, shared her advice for continued learning through case studies and reviewed a few examples of how it can expand your learning.

A few highlights from her conversation for how to transition to analytics:

  1. Real world data can be messy.  Working with it allows you to practice data cleaning and enhance your learning.
  2. Documentation is key.  Learning how to document effectively allows for quick reference in the future and can help others.
  3. Learning the skill is one thing.  Being able to know when to apply the new skills is where you truly become effective.
  4. Sharing your learnings with others can expand your network with people who share your interests.

Watch the complete discussion here: